Full Dentures
It is a very common occurrence that as people age, they will need a complete tooth replacement. Full dentures are a great substitution for natural teeth. We make our dentures aesthetically pleasing, comfortable and strong. You’ll soon forget that you’re even wearing dentures. Full dentures can be either for your upper jaw, lower jaw or both, and can be used in conjunction with partial dentures on the opposite jaw.
The base is made completely from acrylic to match the colour of your gums. We take time in choosing the right colours to optimise for the most natural design. The best dentures are those that are impossible to tell apart from natural teeth when you smile, eat or talk.
Full dentures are held in place by suction. A firm grip will ensure that the denture does not wobble around when you’re chewing. We schedule multiple try-ins throughout your appointments to continue tweaking and ensuring a perfectly snug fit.
Free Consultation
Book an appointment for a consultation and we’ll go through all your options and their respective prices.
Once agreed on a solution we begin by taking an impression of your mouth to immediately begin working on your denture.
You come in to try your denture and we keep on adjusting till we get the perfect fit.
We make the finishing touches and handover your denture that’s ready for your everyday use!
2-year Denture Plan Included
All of our dentures come with a 2-year Denture Plan which includes a free yearly checkup and consultation, and a free professional denture cleaning.
Made On-site
All of our dentures and services are made by our on-site dental laboratory and dental technicians that have over 25 years of experience in designing dentures. No work is outsourced overseas or sent off-site. Our materials are all acquired from top Australian dental suppliers and comply with strict government regulations.